Thursday, September 30, 2010

Update Phase 3

Ok well it's been 9 days since I last posted. I started Phase 3 9/22/10. Eating so much after eating so little was for sure a change. I had my husband help me work up a plan for how I should be eating so I do not have a huge gain. In P3 (phase3) you are not to gain or loose more than 2 pounds either way. If you gain over 2 pounds you possibly can be gaining back fat. If you loose more than 2 pounds you can be loosing "normal fats". Normal fats we want. They help cushion our organs and such. Abnormal is where we want to loose.. belly fat, hips, thighs, arms... etc. I will not be doing measurements untill I start on my next round October 13th. So far though I have lost 17 total inches. I measure my neck, left arm, fullest part of bust, under bust, natural waist, hips, left thigh, calf, ankle. My neck, calf and ankle have not had much change. if any at all.

Now moving on to how P3 has been going. My calories are at 1500 cal day. There have been 2 weigh ins where I was out of my 2 pound over leeway. 1 day was because I made some coconut flour cookies and had about 7 of them between the dough and the cookies I ate. OOOPS!!! But hey this was my first cheat ever on this plan. So I know it was stuff that was NOT bad for me just to much of it. The following day it all came back off and I was doing fine again. My second out of leeway experience was a very hot day traveling with a group of off roaders. My fingers and feet swelled in the heat and I didnt drink enough water to keep things flushed. (LOL flushed and water LOL)

My weight has been a normal fluctuation over the last several days. I am on day 8 of the 21 day phase. I am feeling really good! I ordered some clothing items online and when they came in yesterday 2 of them are to big already. I will be sending them back for a smaller size!! How exciting is that???
Here are a few progress photos. The first one was taken July 18th, 10~ the next was taken 9-3-10 ~ the last was taken 9-11-10. I think it shows most in my face but it sure feels good to go to the store and buy size 14 jeans and a size 12 dress again!!!

 I will do my best to post more often. I started working again and have been busy a few days a week with that and other things going on around here. I started at 215 pounds and am at 188.4 now. I am seeing a lot of progress and know when going into my next round it will be even better!!!
Huggs n Health to all!!

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